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Class 125 Derby 3-car DMUs

Works Photographs

These images are from the British Railways Derby Works collection showing vehicles E51159 + E59545 + E50993 presumably on the Wirksworth branch in early 1959.

DMU with whiskers in snow

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E51159 + E59454 + E50993.

Three-car DMU in snow

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E50993 + E59454 + E51159.

Front view of DMU with whiskers

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The front of E50993.

Underframe equipment under DMU

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The underframe equipment on E50993. One engine can just be seen behind the heater, 'Rolls-Royce' just visible to the right of the exhaust silencer.

Drivers compartment of a DMU

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The drivers compartment of E50993.

Drivers compartment of a DMU with driver

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A driver posing at the controls of E51159. Note one of the desk panels has been removed under the drivers hand.

2 + 3 seating inside a DMU

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The interior of trailer second E59454. A series of partitions split the vehicle into five compartments.

3 + 2 seating inside a DMU

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The interior of trailer second E59454, taken inside a smoking compartment looking into a non-smoking compartment.

Interior of a DMU

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The interior of either DMS E50993 or DMBS E51159.

Seating inside a DMU

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The interior of DMS E50993 in early 1959. The triple seats were on the opposite side of that shown in the vehicle diagram (596).

3 + 3 seating inside a DMU

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Two triple seats against a partition in a non-smoking compartment in either TS E59454 or DMS E50993. The formica on the side walls was the same pattern as that being used on the Swindon Inter-City sets being build at the same time.

Rear wall of guards van

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The rear wall of the van in DMBS E51159.

Guards van inside a DMU

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The guards van in DMBS E51159.